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The exchange of data via e-mail often causes problems especially in case of large data volumes. For this reason we are offering you a special service free of charge: the data exchange via our secure communication platform WebAkte. For using the platform you only need a web-enabled device such as a PC, tablet computer or smart phone, and can send us your documents and files by uploading them at any time. The data which can be accessed only by our office is stored on the DATEV servers located in the Nuremberg data centre, and therefore is subject to the highest standards of data protection and data security. We will download the data in a timely manner from WebAkte, and store the data on our servers. Afterwards, we will delete the data in WebAkte.

Do you already have access to the WebAkte platform? If so, please click on the following icon in order to get to WebAkte.

Logo: Login WebAkte

You don’t have access to WebAkte yet, but would like to? If so, please click on the following icon in order to receive your personal access data.

Logo: WebAkte

If you have any questions regarding the use of WebAkte, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Any further questions?

With this QR code you can access this website directly – fast and easy

With this QR code you can access this website directly – fast and easy

Using a QR code scanner app on your device, you can scan the image to the left and go straight to this site on our website.